Welcome! We offer a wide selection of materials in our young adult section in the library, with access to books, movies, audiobooks, and graphic novels.
We’re happy to offer students access to this year’s WIRC titles for high school and middle school.
Teen Writing Club
Are you a teen who wants to write? Join our Teen Writing Club, a group full of writers who are eager to learn, share writing tips, participate in write-in’s, and share their work with peers. The writing club is open to teens ages 12-18.
Our next Teen Writing Club meeting will be held on Tuesday January 14 from 6-7pm, following our Teen Advisory Board meeting. NOTE: December’s writing club has been cancelled. Come to the teen cookie decorating program instead!
Teen Advisory Board
Want to be involved in what the library has to offer teens? Sign up for our Teen Advisory Board, a group of teens ages 12-18 who help the library run teen-centered programs, recommend young adult books/movies for the library to buy, promote the library to their friends, contribute to the library’s book blog, and generally help the library better serve teens.

Next Teen Advisory Board Meeting:
Tuesday, January 14 @ 5pm
NOTE: December’s Teen Advisory Board meeting has been cancelled. Come to the teen cookie decorating program instead!
Can’t make the next meeting? Contact our TAB staff advisor
Kat: Katherine.Neidig@wlnonline.org
The library appreciates your help and looks forward to working with you!